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tv   Campbell Brown  CNN  September 10, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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saying something with one of these. a reminder to join lou on the radio monday through friday for the lou dobbs show and go to for listings and radio. go to for more news. thanks for being with us tonight. next, campbell brown. tonight, hear the questions that we want answered. how did we ever get to this point? >> the reforms that i'm proposing would not apply to those that are here with me. >> and check out the reaction from house speaker nancy pelosi. how could a congressman call out the president of the united states in the middle of a speech to a joint session of congress? who is he and how much support does he have and would americans stand for outburst is it and
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anger on a real debate with health care. >> they are turned off when they see people using wild accusations, false claims, name calling. >> plus, how easy it it for crooks to pull a fast one on government regulators? new tonight, bernie madoff caught on tape. the master scammer who stole 65 billion how did he dupe the fcc? new research showing six-month babies judged others based on the color of their skin. what can parents do? hey, everybody. those are big questions tonight but we're going to start, as always, with the stories making an impact. we'll watch it all so you don't
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ha tochlt we begin with breaking news, news that gets us a step closer to a vaccine for the h1n1 viruses, shows that a low dose of the virus may be enough to protect you from the virus. listen. >> concerned that two doses of the standard type of vaccine would have implications for the supply and whether or not he was able to produce a single dose of the vaccine that we've been testing in a very short time n. our case, eight to ten days and interviewses in response. >> again, the doctor, swine flu action veen is expected it to be available in mid-october. >> we're going to turn now to politics. the fallout from the big health care address. taking most of the black -- no. no. no. not the president but the congressman who dared to scream at him right in the middle of
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the speech. let's relive that moment. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> why? >> that's not true. >> and that congressman yelling, "you lie," congressman joe wilson of soit carolina. you can see him right here in mid-shout. he apologized to the white house last night and to reporters again this morning. the president accepted his apology. listen. >> last night, i heard from the leadership that they wanted know contact the white house and state that my statements were inappropriate. i did. i'm very grateful that the white house house in talking with them, they indicated that they appreciated the call and that we needed to have a similar discussion about the health care issues. and i certainly agree with that.
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>> i'm a big deliver that we all make mistakes. he apologized quickly and without ee kwif indication and i'm appreciative of that. >> now, congressman wilson says that is he grateful to the president for accepting his apology. that is not all he said. he's trying to raise some money off of the incident. stick around. you'll want to see that tape. the democratic challenger is experiencing a big fundraising wind fall today as well. the wilson episode sent republican leaders on capitol hill scrambling to try to strike the right tone. the gist that it was frustration. here they are on message. >> mr. wilson said last night his behavior was inappropriate. and the government and i would
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expect and they said, what's going on. >> i know a lot of my friends in the dnc and the left want to make this a brew ha-ha. we're not talking about the president's speech and what he said. we're talking about personalities and how feelings are hurt and all of that. >> so republicans were treading gingerly. the conservative base, they are fired up. stay with us tonight. you'll hear what they are saying about the congressman's outburst is it. we'll also drill them on the details of the president speech, a fact check of congressman wilson's claim that the administration wants to provide health care for illegal immigrants it's a pivotal point in this debate. we're all over it tonight. another quieter, though, message to president obama and this one about the war in afghanistan. democratic leaders say they see
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little support for more troops. there are currently 62,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan. anderson coop ser with some of them this week on the front lines where temperatures can reach 120 degrees. >> this dust, marines call it moon dust, it's a fine powder that coats everything and gets everywhere. into weapons and clothing and even food. there's nothing you can do about it. >> there is food, of course, prepackaged. pleels ready to eat a few old weights and a sledgehammer. there is no privacy a nowhere to take a break. >> there are four of them and
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they are kmun nal. >> anderson cooper will be live at 10:00 eastern tonight. and the nonprofit housing and cop the tape was actually the film maker and to competition and performance. >> and the employees did not meet the standards of professionalism. we're going to take you to
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germany now where an issue is causing an up roar, not because it is sexy but because it is out of line. take a look. >> reporter: it's a fairly standard sex scene like you see in the movies. sexy stuff until you see who the leading man in this particular love scene is. adolf if hitler, a tag to this ad, aids is a mass murderer. a german aids lobby group reminds people to use protection. joseph stalin and suddam hussein say the campaign is sensationalist and counterproductive. american idol's former judge just released a statement wishing american idol's newest judge the best of luck. paula abdul says ellen degeneres
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is wildly funny and talented and here is what and and we're all doing that. and i'm not that technical and not looking at it in a critical way. i'm looking at it as a person that's going to buy the music. >> degeneres signed a multi-year contract and congratulations to her. that brings us right to tonight's punch line. this is courtesy of conan o'brien. >> sources close to paula abdul say that her dream is to create a new show that would compete directly with american idol and get better ratings. in other words, paula is still
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drinking. and that is tonight's match-up. can politicians in this country actually stick to the debate? there is plain rudeness on both sides, frankly. so we're going to cut through the noise tonight and try to get you answers. plus, how easy is it to get away with a $50 billion scam. we have bernie on tape explaining it all. >> you know, you don't have to be too brilliant with these guys. >> the best thing is to not get involved with written instructions. everybody has something in writing that they ask for. natural gas is a cleaner burning fuel, yet a lot of natural gas has impurities like co2 in it. controlled freeze zone is a new technology... being developed by exxonmobil... to remove the co2 from the natural gas... so we can safely store it... where it won't get into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is spending more than 100 million dollars...
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to build a plant that will demonstrate this process. i'm very optimistic about it... because this technology could be used... to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. ♪ - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber!
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( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access i wrant to go back to the shot heard around the world.
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a member of congress, there he is right there, a member of south carolina, more than and and it's not what he did last night. let us the reforms and the presidential address to a joint congress and congressman wilson's outburst is it and and
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dropping there, and capitol hill republicans trying to move on here but the grassroots this morning. >> is he lying. president obama from the moment he opens his mouth until he ends the speech. i was shouting you're lying. throughout the speech, at the television you're lying. that's a lie! joe wilson simply articulated what millions of americans. >> there has been money already8 raising for him and dana bash and tim mcgovern.
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>> and make history. >> we need health caref;n;n;n3l; and and supported. >> democrats even more right now. athe conservative base or do both joining me right now. and strategist and cnn contributor and welcome to everybody, let me play this for you. congressman wilson video posted on his twitter and -- >> i scenes and pass complaint,
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and if you're agreeing with me that the government health plan go to and speak to proponents of health care. and how this guy, million bucks á"("á"( that. >> seriously? >> of course, look -- >> the same day that he called the president or the white house and apologizes, in like, what, less than 24 hours later he's having a fund-raiser? >> he's having a fwund raiser and he's agreeing on let's agree that a congressman wishes that committee gain worldwide attention. he probably won't be doing this again.
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he made a mistake politically. and this helps the democrats in the sense that obama has one job. to get his democrats together. he has enough votes to get what he wants if he can hold his democrats. he can't do it on policy. they are flaking off. they don't want to go for his big government plan. so the politics, wilson has helped the democrats. that's the good news for them. the bad news for president obama here is that there are questions about his credibility on this. on the health care plan. he's saying, i guess the man most flexible with the truth in this debate, is president obama. americans are having trouble believing that this is not going to interfere with the doctor-patient relationship or that this is going to cost zes hold off on that angle because we are getting into that. in our next segment we're going to do a truth test to the things that he said last night. let's stick with this, james, and give me your take on what is happening more broadly. do you agree that you're going
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to see them any way. and i think this guy is the mainstream of the republican party. he said the leadership asked and apologized and called the chief of staff and never called the president. i don't think he's sorry at all. he's bragging about all of the support that he has back in his home district. again, this is a party that is dominated by his talk radio southern wing and the sky is i am pli mat particular of that and he's right there. you're looking at the republican party in nine states circuit 2009. >> i want to go back to the look of horror on nancy pelosi's face. >> yeah. >> which was -- which said it all. throw up that picture if we can. i mean, this is a water shed moment. the president hack killed in front of the joint session of congress. how bad are things up there? >> it's really bad. and if looks could kill, nancy
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pelosi's look would kill. it was interesting to me that she decided not to gaf vel him to order because she had the right to do that, campbell n. the middle of this address but clearly made a decision that she didn't want to interrupt the president and that he was handling himself just fine. it really shows you how tense things have gotten over the debate and the president today could look very gracious and say that, yes, they had accepted the apology and in his speech he talked about bipartisanship. now, alex are will probably say he's not being by partisan but he spoke about it last night. >> but is there a party here, alex? is there a truth teller? but leadership of the party, you
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know, picking up the phone and urging him to call president obama, saying that this is an embarrassing moment? who is going to be the party? is he going to be joe the plumber, if you will? >> james, by the way, is misinformed. wilson did call the president and ended up speaking to the president of staff and he apologized and he was right to do. so and every republican thinks, you don't write to the white house and be uncivil this way. so the mainstream of the republican party all thinks this was not the right thing to do. however, there is an issue here, which is the president's credibility. this president is saying things that are hard to justify. you know, he's, for example, where jamgs and i are in the spin business in political campaign days and the president last night said, there's nothing in this plan that requires you to dump your doctor or your insurance plan. well, that's not the question.
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will your employer dump you if there's some beta cheaper government plan. >> that's a fair point. the wording was carefully chosen. james, i'm going to give you the last word. >> first of all, you have to go back to the statement of the president after the speech and he's not a very brave man because he's issued a written statement. that is embedded and people have talked about that. but, again, you're looking at a guy that represents the mainstream of the republican party and that's how americans are with politics today. >> they represent the democrats and charlie rangel probably represents -- >> you can continue the debate later. >> there is no mainstream in any party anymore. >> gloria, alex, james, always good to see you. thanks. >> sure. >> when we come back, the big question, why do powerful men tend to say incriminating things on tape? we have seen it over and over again. tonight, it's a double dose.
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we have bernie madoff how explaining how he doesn't want to have the same coach. when will they ever learn?
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interesting news today. >> campbell, here we go. coming out swinging today, the ethics investigation and the latest impeachment.
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to base the whole thing on media headlines. or you ought to just base it on political opponents accusations. >> all right. since sanford's extra marital afford with a brazilian woman was exposed, they have been pressing to find out how he used state money. today the california lawmaker who quit after getting caught on the mike and camera making sexually explicit remarks to a colleague. despite what it sounds like, let's listen >> the oi offense was engaging in inappropriate story telling. we'll play this story for you later on tonight. that was only half of it. it gets worst.
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all right. turkish women tricked into thinking that they were on a reality though and instead they were locked up in a resort villa. there was no tv show, just pictures of them in bikinis and by some reports, even less. they wanted to get shots of them so they could show them on the internet. a federal judge today tossed out a trademark lawsuit against jerry seinfeld's wife. the 2000 cookbook by jessica seinfeld was a lot like her own cookbook. both books explain how they can get kids to eat their vegetables. the judge declined to rule that jerry seinfeld libelled her when he joked about this lawsuit. finally this. who says you can't take it with you? a south carolina man passed away and buried this week in the
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front seat of his pontiac chevrolet. that's how he wanted it. by the way, he was an avid gun collector. no punt intended. you know who was riding shotgun, his gun collection. >> seriously? >> yes. he didn't want the guns to end up in the wrong hands. oh, interesting. everybody got their own little quirk out there. okay. mike galanos, see you in a bit. thank you. tonight, we wanted to drill them on the president's speech. we're going to cut through it all and get the facts to you, what is true,habill adare joini bottom line on all of this when we come back. infrared to help protect. satellites to help guide. electricity to adjust how powerfully or efficiently you drive. someday we'll all drive like this. the first-ever hs hybrid.
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only from lexus. why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a. so much shouting about congressman joe wilson's shouting last night. was there even an ink cling in the claim? bill bill is here.
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thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me back, campbell. >> the truth-o-meter, we're going to put him to the test. let's listen. >> the reforms would not apply to those who are here illegal. all right. give us the low down. what do you think? >> congressman gets a false on the truth-o-meter. whether he indeed was right and president obama was lying about whether illegal immigrants would get insurance coverage under his plan and we found that wilson was wrong. indeed, if you look at the bill, for the first thing, when you look at all of the bill, it really doesn't say much about illegal immigrants but it does specify that they are not eligible for the credits, what
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are called afford built credits, the government sus sid dee helping for them to be covered. this is the first time that we fat checked a heck cler. i think that's what has happened in american politics republicans are also making a more sedate claim about the illegal immigrant to look at this more specifically. house republican caucus says, anything in the democratic bills that would require individuals to verify prior to receiving subsidized benefits. is that true? >> we gave that a half true on our truth-o-meter. the truth is that there's nothing specifically in the bill. there's no language that requires that kind of verification. but there are some mechanisms that would make that happen.
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one, that the credits might be enforced through tax credits and the irs, that would be a liable enforcement system. but also the health care administrator would presumably enact some sort of regulations to enforce the rule that said that illegal immigrants were not eligible. we gave that one a true on our truth-o-meter. >> the president said in his speech that this plan is a model of cooperation. take a listen. >> it's a plan that incorporates ideas from senators and congress, from democrats and republicans. >> he says he is by partisan. is it? >> we gave a barely true on our truth-o-meter. i think that's wishful thinking on the president the part. but when you look as we did at
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the actual moments that have beened that have been proposed by the republicans, those are not subs stiff ones and not the key ones for the republicans to support this plan. so he got a barely true on that one. >> bill, thank you. we'll see you back here again before this debate is over, i'm quite sure. >> you bet. thanks for having me. >> all right. there are about 50 billion reasons why bernie madoff is behind bars right now. that is how many dollars his investors lost. but here is one more. listen to the on guessed ponzi schemer in coaching a witness in how to deal with the sec. >> these guys work for five years at the division and become a compliance manager of the hedge fund now. or they go work for proprietary
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trading debt. so nobody wants to give away that information. and, you know, it's none of their business. plus support for heart health. ( crowd roars ) that's a great call. one a day men's. it's an idea that makes america strong. it's a fair day's pay for a hard day's work. it's health insurance when you're sick or injured. it's job security to provide for your family. it's the fabric of a sound economy. it built the middle class. and it's what the employee free choice act is all about... letting workers choose to join a union to earn better pay and benefits. the employee free choice act. it's time the economy worked for everyone again. what? with unbeatable prices on aveeno daily moisturizing beauty costs less
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bernie madoff swindled millions from losses. here's how it all began. it's hard to believe that someone could be so greedy and corrupt to steal their money. >> the mastermind will keep living a life of luxury inside his manhattan penthouse
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apartment. >> i think it's a miss courage of justice. >> the names are made public, some well known. kevin bacon and his wife, and holocaust survivor eli. he lost his life savings. >> he's a psychopath. >> bernie madoff sentenced to 150 years in prison today, the maximum for his crime. he says that he will live with the shame of what he did until the day that he died. >> there's. >> he's evil. he's evil. he's way up there with all of
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the other people in the world z and today there is more. madoff caught on tape coaching a witness and how to do dupe the sec, the subject that he knew quite a bit about. >> obviously first of all, this conversation never took place. >> in listening to bernie madoff, he makes the agency sound like a bunch of idiots. how did that happen? how did the sec recognize this. the. >> it's clearly heartbreaking.
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>> and how the economists and so on, and the s.e.c. has always attracted young people right out of college for the examination function and they are no match for anyone who is sophisticated and who is also intending to commit a fraud. is it a problem where they want
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the jobs in practice so they are just not as hard on people that are delinquent as they should be. >> i don't think so. the s.e.c. throughout the history has been an incredibly tough agency. people have complained that it's been too tough. this is obviously not part of that. but that is the reputation that the s.e.c. has always enjoyed. what i think really it amounts to is that this cannot be done on a government compliance or examination program. i recommended that we adopt a new approach in which every portfolio manager, like a madoff, would have to be examined, either yearly or every other year by. >> after proposing it and to
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pursue and and this is as embarrassing for federal agents. >> this is as embarrassing as it gets and they were not tough in this instance but what i am saying is that the agency has had a 75-year history this is a
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tremendous. >> this is not being tough and this is not about proposals. this is about someone dropping this in s.e.c. lap and the s.e.c. did not look into this. i'm not sure about the 75-year history. a lot of companies failed and a lot of companies cheated a lot of people in that time. this is basic. this is not complicated. >> all right. 4f4f0f!f ali velshi and harvey pit, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. former s.e.c. chair there along with ali velshi. f" all too well. we know that there's a microphone on. the sexual ly ace son. that is next.
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just when you think you have seen it all and heard it all when it comes to politicians and sex scandals, well, along comes the california state assembly man who got too close to a microphone when he started bragging and you will not
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believe what came out of his mouth or his explanation, for that matter. thelma has that explanation in tonight's breakout. >> this is mike duvall a. conservative republican and self-described family values politician caught here making sexually explicit remarks to the california state assembly the lawmaker was unaware of being recorded of the channel at the state capital making ex ploits to a married woman to a fellow committee member before the meeting. the 54-year-old married two-term legislator from orange county was talking about a liaison who works with a phone company. he worked as a chairman on utilities for commerce.
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>> in 2000, he received a 100% grade from a family values group and ease an out spoken foe of gay marriage and he's heard bragging about a second woman. >> she's hot. i talked to her yesterday. she goes, so are we finished? no we are not finished. i go you know about the other one, but the other one doesn't -- >> legislative leaders removed him from two committees and launched an ethics probe into his actions and duvall decided to resign. >> we have two huge actions before the legislature. he felt his responsibility was to step aside and to resign real estate to go home. >> duvall released a statement saying, i want to make it clear that my decision to resign is in no way an admission that i had an affair or affairs.
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>> it's not the fact that he's unfaithful to his spouse. plenty of parties survived that. what killed his career is that he talked about it in front of an open microphone. >> an episode that closed the door on his california assembly. >> that was cnn reporting. some shocking new research on babies and race. on babies and race. the racism is our dna? we're going to talk to one of the writers who looked at this research when we come back. many parents find it uncomfortable to talk about race with their kids. it's not because they are afraid of race. i had decided that it was hypocritical some lunch. you hungry? yeah.
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a provok ti new book is raising questions about when parents need to start talking to their kids about race, and it's a lot earlier than you think. in his book nurture shock, our newsmaker tonight says it's important for parents to confront they are kids with some of these issues at a very young age. he says the science shows us that young children are often noticing skin color a lot younger than you think. >> their young brains are trying to make sense of what this skin color difference means and it's taking longer to process it. it's not that there's any racial or ethnic meaning to it, per se. it does come on pretty quickly. >> and you also found that toddlers notice it even more so than differences in gender,
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right? >> 3-year-olds have handed a deck of cards with a bunch of kids' faces on them xshgs if you ask those 3-year-olds pick out which ones will be your friends or who you would like as friends, a vast majority of kids actually pick out friends only of their own race, and by the time they're 5 years old, if you hand them the same deck of cards and you ask them to sort it into two piles any way that they want and mention not race at all, the 5-year-olds -- 16% will use gender to sort the piles, but 68% will use skin color to sort the pile. >> so why? what's behind this, or what do we think is behind this? >> kids' brains are trying to categorize the world, campbell, and they're trying to make sense of things, and by essentialism, they make this cat gore cal mistake. they assume this people who look like them share the same things and like the same things that they like and, therefore, are more similar to them. what this hints at is that we shouldn't avoid talking about race to our kids.
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especially avoid talking about skin color. kids need to hear about skin color, the same way they hear about gender. that boys and girls can grow up to do anything and people of different sdin color are all our friends, and it's a neutral and safe way to talk about it without passing on old racial attitudes. >> but it's funny. i know there was also a lot of research you looked at that shows these conversations are very difficult for parents to have. >> many parents do find it uncomfortable to talk about race with their kids, but it's not just because they're afraid of race. it's more that they have decided -- and i certainly was one of them. i had decided that it was hypocritica hypocritical. i didn't want to point out to my daughter, well, people have different skin colors, and then point out that skin color doesn't matter. no matter the skin color, they can be our friend. why point it out if it doesn't matter? so parents who want to embrace diversity are making the choice to avoid talking about race thinking that is the very best way to raise their children. the science is saying something
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different. it's saying that in the absence of communication from parents, young kids' brains prone to categorization will make errors and will make some of the wrong judgments and it's very helpful, it's really good for kids to hear that people of all skin colors are equal and that nobody is inferior. >> what about older children who go to diverse schools? does that change attitudes? >> unfortunately, what goes on is self-segregation in schools, and it turns out that self-segregation by skin color goes up as school diversity goes up. the result is you can go to quite diverse schools and not necessarily be learning to embrace people of every race. >> up next -- that would be author there. when we come back, up next, we all know there is a mortgage crisis, and there's actually help out there for many homeowners, so why aren't more of them taking advantage of president obama's mortgage relief program? ali velshi t
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main street about that just ahead. and top of the hour on larry king live dr. andrew weil on health care reform. welcome to the now network. right now five coworkers are working from the road using a mifi-- a mobile hotspot that provides up to five shared wi-fi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an email. - woman: what?! hmph. it's being revised again. the copilot is on mapquest. and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music - from - ( heavy metal music playing ) that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint--
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i listen. that's the first thing i do is i listen. you know what, what happened? what put you in this situation? we always want to make sure that we're doing i'll go through some of his monthly expenses, if he has a mortgage payment, if he pays rent. and then i'll use all that information to try and see what kind of a payment he financially can handle. i want to help you. bank of america wants to help you through this difficult time. when they come to you and they say thank you aj, for helping me with this problem, that's where we get our joy from.
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zimplt more people who need help paying their mortgages are getting it, but -- and it's a big but -- many more are not, even though the help is out there. let's bring in now chief business correspondent ali velshi for tonight's money and main street. ali, the government is offering a hand to homeowners in dire straits, and it is helping some people stay in their homes. why aren't more jumping at the chance to get involved in this program? >> well, campbell, you and i talked about this back in march when the government brought this program in. they put $75 billion aside, and the idea was that it was going to help some people modify their mortgages and some people refinance. now, they thought that about four million people would benefit from the modification of their loan. in other words, basically renegotiating the terms of your loan. away we've got right now is about 360,000 people that have gone through the process and modified their loan. a far cry away from the four million they have expected. good news for those that had. a lot less than what the government had anticipated would have happened. they say over the next few months they're hoping to double
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that number. >> again, ali, why so few people? you said, what, 360,000 out of the four million eligible? why are so few getting the help? >> a couple of problems. one is that there are a lot more people who have applied for it than haven't got it. we've been talking to people say that the system is cumbersome. it's a mortgage, so it's going to be cumbersome. it's not that you get to fill out one form and get a change. a lot of proof you have to show. here's what has to happen. you have to have either suffered some loss. not a job loss, but a lowering of your income, but you have to be able to show that you are in hardship and that you can actually pay that mortgage if they reduce your payment. that takes a long time to do, and a lot of people don't actually know whether they qualify. the banks are doing a little bit better job at trying to get people through the system, but it's still cumbersome. it's still taking a long time, and that's why more people haven't actually qualified and gone through the entire process of a loan modification. hopefully that will change in the coming months. campbell. >> ali velshi with us tonight for money and main street. go to


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